Tell us about your yourself: School, where you're from etc.
I am from Springfield, IL but I moved up to Bloomington, IL to go to Illinois State University. I originally was going for a general marketing degree but all the accounting/finance/math based classes definitely made me nervous so I decide to take a left turn and become an English major, simply because I am good at English/literature. Then I realized, oh gosh I don't know if this is really what I want to do, so I changed my major one last time to Fashion Design and Merchandising. This worked out much better for me, even though it took a while to figure it out, and I actually just graduated on May 11th, 2019!
How did you get introduced to VerClare?
Well, for school I had to have an internship to count for class credit in order to graduate. I knew a girl a year older than me that had interned for a boutique not far from Bloomington (close to VerClare, but I didn't know it yet!) and she gave me the boutique owner's contact and I emailed her. I had an interview and I felt it went really well and we got along great, but unfortunately my good friend got the internship instead. This turned out great though because she said that my goals and aspirations for the internship and what I wanted to learn made her think I was a better fit for interning with Cristina, so I emailed her. And here we are a year later, no longer an intern, but an employee!
What is your average day like at VerClare?
Each day is different, and I never know exactly what I'll be doing when I walk in the shop. I work 3 days a week there, 2 of which are with Cristina, which is always fun! I fill orders and ship them out, unpack, organize, and tag new inventory, take selfies or flat lays for Jenny to post on social media, set up for, and help do live videos, tidy up the shop for shopping hours, and help Cristina and Susan with whatever tasks need done!
What is your favorite part about working for VerClare?
I love a lot of things honestly! It worked out great that Cristina and I get along so well so that I could continue working with her even after my internship. I love learning all the behind the scenes of not only running a boutique, but running your own business, and all the different aspects I may have never thought of or realized about it. I also love Fridays because we have a full office (Cristina, Susan, Ellen and I) and that makes for, as I put it, an "interesting" and really fun day :)
What are your career aspirations?
Honestly, that is still such a hard question. I have been applying to jobs down in the Dallas, TX area because it seems like a really cool place, and my boyfriend works at State Farm and could transfer down there if I get a job somewhere. I know I want to work for other companies/businesses for a while to learn a lot of things and gain valuable experience, but ultimately I want to own my own business. Doing or selling what though, is still to be determined. (Lol)
What are your favorite past times?
I love going to the gym because it is my version of stress relief, as well as cooking or baking (when I have the time), watching shows on Netflix with my boyfriend, writing blogs for VerClare, and cleaning/organizing my apartment. The last one is sometimes not my favorite but I love a clean apartment!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Anywhere in Italy because I love pasta, bread and wine! (who doesn't though! lol)
Hopefully you ladies enjoyed another one of our "Getting to Know VerClare" blogs and learning about Ryanne, aka the girl behind the blogs!
❤️ that girl!!!